When I run courses with Publishing Scotland there are usually one or two people in each group who are starting out as freelancers. I know what that’s like: in 2014, when Margaret Aherne was the Publishing Scotland trainer, I was one of those people.
In courses that focus on the nuts and bolts of copyediting there’s little time to talk about the best way to start making your mark in the editing world. Anyone is welcome to grab me for a chat after a session, but usually, because time is limited for both of us, I can only give a couple of tips. So, for those new freelancers who have attended my courses, and anyone else striking out on their own, here’s some more detailed advice – and a few tips to avoid the newbie mistakes I made.
1. Start by setting up a simple website
Did you know that most prospective clients and contacts will spend time checking you out online before they decide to make contact? It helps to have something they can find and read, even if it’s just a couple of pages about you and the services you offer.
If you’re approaching a potential client yourself, directing them to a website is much easier than trying to write in an email all the reasons they should work with you, and it’s more likely to make them feel you’re a trustworthy outfit.
2. Do what you’ve been taught
Hopefully you’ll have received some training. If you haven’t, check out courses from the CIEP, the PTC or Publishing Scotland.
Then, do the things you’ve been taught. That’s easier said than done, but it’s a good start to go back over your course notes, follow up the recommended resources and actively plan how you can apply what you’ve learned to your work.
3. Realise that your training is just the beginning
Editors are always, always learning. If they’re not, that’s a red flag. This is because processes change, software changes and language changes. Up-to-date editors will be more efficient and better team members, and will make their editorial decisions in full possession of the facts and the context.
Read blog articles by respected editors. Buy essential editing books and thoroughly familiarise yourself with their contents. Check out editing resources recommended or created by professional organisations like the CIEP, AFEPI Ireland, ACES and Editors Canada. Go on mailing lists for e-newsletters that will be useful to you.
4. Volunteer
Work on something wordy. A local charity’s magazine, for example. I do communications for my local church and over the years I’ve got work from four different (paying) clients that way. Before I trained I worked on a partly voluntary basis for Edinburgh for Under Fives, a handbook for parents and carers in Edinburgh. A contact from its editorial committee provided me with my first academic editing job. Seven years later, someone on the current editorial committee asked me to talk to her writing group. You never know where these things might lead.
5. When you get work, don’t sell yourself short
Have a plan for how much you need to earn to survive and thrive, and try your best to stick to your hourly rate. If you’re a trained editor, you should be able to command the CIEP’s suggested minimum rates. And it’s a cliché, but know when to say ‘no’ to a job that doesn’t tick the boxes in terms of your interests, your skills or the fee that’s offered.
6. Write content that helps you and others
Writing will help you think things through as you learn them, and what you’ve learned might be useful for others. So, articulate language rules, or editing practices, for yourself and others. You could turn it into a blog. Or if you feel confident about a particular editing-related subject, you might consider giving a presentation about it to an interested group.
7. Be present on social media
There is a strong editors’ presence on social media, and ‘Oh, I know you from Twitter!’ is a common refrain at editorial conferences.
Some editors use Facebook, and there are editors’ Facebook groups such as Editors’ Association of Earth. I keep Facebook for my life outside work and use LinkedIn and Twitter for business. Even if you don’t want to post anything at first, support the editorial community by following other editors (the chances are they’ll follow you back) and liking content you’ve found useful.
Social media isn’t just for fun; it’s for connecting, learning and sharing with colleagues. You’ll start to feel as if you’re part of one massive virtual office.
8. Join professional bodies and then make the most of your membership
I joined the CIEP (then the SfEP) in 2014. This gave me contact with other, real-life editors through our local Edinburgh group, which led to clients as my colleagues generously shared the work opportunities they came across. This was great. But when I got on the members’ online forums and discovered the wider community I found many more opportunities. Blogging and writing a language column for the SfEP/CIEP helped me articulate key issues in editing (see ‘Write content that helps you and others’, above) and eventually I became a member of the CIEP’s information team.
The latest professional body I’ve joined is ProCopywriters. This is to glean tips and learning points for the delegates in my Editing for Better Communications course, as well as to help my own writing. A lot of editors, particularly those who work with people who self-publish, are members of the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi). Keep looking for what might help you at different stages of your career.
9. Keep in touch with your tutor
If your tutor’s happy for you to stay in touch with them, you should. Ask them questions. If they don’t know the answers, they’re likely to know where to find them. I’m always happy to answer emailed questions from past delegates because it helps me to understand the resources I should be producing and the learning points I should be adding to my courses.